Page 46 - AeM_June_2018
P. 46


             Fake store growth requires new

             cybercrime definition, says JC3 and APWG

            The  Japan  Cybercrime  Control  Center  (JC3)  and  the  visiting a legitimate retail shopping website. The three
            global  counter-cybercrime  association  APWG  just  main characteristics are as follows:
            released a report detailing the enormous, rapid growth in
            fake shopping websites pretending to be retail shopping    Feature 1: A site that pretends to be a shopping site
            sites,  using  data  from  the  Japanese  National  Policy   where  users  are  automatically  redirected  by
            Agency  (NPA).  These  “fake  store”  websites  accounted   embedded  codes  in  a  tampered  site  (often  by  a
            for  about  7,000  reports  of  consumers  in  Japan  being   banner ad with malicious Javascript).
            victimized  by  the  theft  of  money  or  their  personal
            information between June 2016 and June 2017.            Feature 2: A site that pretends to be a shopping site
                                                                     which changes the content to deceive users, such
            APWG Secretary General Peter Cassidy said, “APWG is      as  a  company  profile  that  changes  when  new
            proud to have worked on this effort with JC3 and NPA, a   visitors arrive from different points of origination on
            program in which law enforcement uses data analysis to   the Web.
            predict  cybercrime  -  and  suppress  it  before  it  happens.
            Seeing real-life cybercrime prevention in action is thrilling    Feature 3: A site pretending to be a shopping site
            and working with our respected friends at JC3 and NPA    that  does  not  have  a  description  of  an  authorized
            is always an honor.”
                                                                     company profile, either missing altogether or clearly
            JC3 examined the reported fake stores and determined     fictional.  (For  commercial  transactions,  Japanese
            the  characteristics  that  are  common  to  them  all.  These   law requires a company outline and description).
            details  were  then  used  to  identify  new  fake  shopping
            websites to take preemptive countermeasures to protect   According  to  the  report,  APWG  will  identify  fake
            consumers. Working together, JC3 and APWG combined   shopping websites as a specific category of cybercrime
            resources to block and remove these sites.
                                                                 website in the future, different and distinguishable from
            JC3’s  analysis  of  fake  store  websites  provided  insight   a  typical  phishing  website  or  a  malware-dropping
            into  the  common  characteristics  of  such  websites  and   website. Further, APWG will promote this new definition
            showed how customers get tricked into believing they are   of  fake  store  among  industry  correspondents  and

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