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Lamplight Analytics launches new

social media analytics solution

tailored specifically for Asia

With data licensed from over 20 million different
sources, including Facebook, Weibo, local forums, Twit-
ter, blogs, frequent flyer forums and many other "hidden
gem" data sources, Lamplight is committed to its prom-
ise to be the best social intelligence solution in Asia. It
can be used by marketers, strategists and business
leaders in in numerous ways to create insight, including:
market entry studies, measuring marketing campaign
performance, reputation management, crisis manage-
ment, competitor benchmarking and analyzing consum-
er gaps. Lamplight's Asian language processing tech-
nology analyzes billions of online conversations from
social media sources to give marketers, strategists and
business leaders’ brighter insights into their audience,
enabling smarter commercial decisions.

Industry applications and use cases are endless: Music
companies can now discover where best to play shows,
marketing agencies can monitor campaign effective-
ness and brands can quickly decide which channels
Lamplight Analytics announced the launch of its new and influencers will provide the best ROI. Actors, ath-
social intelligence platform that gives marketers, strat- letes and performers can use Lamplight to justify their
egists and business leaders more insights into Asian
audiences through social and traditional media valuation as a brand asset and sponsorship to com-
mand higher pay packets in Asia.
sources. In fact, Lamplight Analytics is the first globally
competitive social intelligence platform to focus on
Asian languages and Asian social networking services. "We were established in the East to provide social data
analytics in local vernacular languages. With capabili-
ties in English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, Kore-
According to Lamplight Analytics, Western companies
are increasingly seeking access to market intelligence an, Malaysian Bahasa and Indonesian Bahasa, we con-
in Asia. Many have previously found it difficult to con- struct searches that extract the most relevant content
duct Asian market research, spending hundreds of from each region. We are definitely listening with a local
thousands of dollars on the task, but finally there is a ear," said Sam Olsen , CEO at Lamplight Analytics.
solution. Lamplight simplifies this task by using leading
edge, natural language processing to understand the "The global market for social data analytics is now val-
conversations that matter. This context-aware lan- ued at US$ 620m, growing at over 35% a year. Asia is
guage capability is seamlessly integrated into the expected to be second only to North America in terms
Lamplight tool user experience. of social data analytics market size by the end of this
decade”, he added, concluding, that they were the best
Lamplight data can be further broken down into the platform that companies can use to tap into this growing
myriad of different categories, such as location, lan- market. ◊
guage, sentiment, and gender, to make insights even
more accurate. By MediaBUZZ

18 Asian eMarketing June 2015 - Marketing Automation
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