Page 32 - AeM_Sept_2017
P. 32


             Immersive marketing

            The term immersive (or immersion) marketing includes   trols, motion tracking, and computer vision respond to
            traditional advertising, public relations, word-of-mouth   the user's actions and movements.
            advertising, digital marketing, or coupons and retail part-
            nerships, to name a few of the many ways of surround-  In a nutshell, immersive marketing succeeds engage-
            ing the consumer with a consistent message about a   ment marketing and we see where it is going from
            brand.                                               there. It is about delivering a message on various media
                                                                 channels that is consistent and the same among all
            Immersion into virtual reality is a perception of being   channels. The message must be as simple as possible
            physically present in a non-physical world, whereby the   and it should fill the needs of the market which it is ad-
            perception is created by surrounding the user of the VR   dressing. Even if the message is delivered through ra-
            system in images, sound or other stimuli that provide an   dio, television, social media, flyers, coupons, samples,
            engrossing total environment.                        posters or phone calls, the consumers should get, sub-
                                                                 consciously, the same idea from it. In other words, all
            To create a sense of full immersion, the 5 senses (sight,   the exposures should be retrieved as one total experi-
            sound, touch, smell, taste) must perceive the digital envi-  ence. ◊
            ronment to be physically real.  Hence, immersive tech-
            nology can perceptually fool the senses through pano-                                   By MediaBUZZ
            ramic 3D displays (visual), surround sound acoustics
            (auditory), haptics and force feedback (tactile), smell rep-
            lication (olfactory), and taste replication (gustation).
            Once the senses reach a sufficient belief that the digital
            environment is real, the user must then be able to inter-
            act with the environment in a natural, intuitive manner.

            Various immersive technologies such as gestural con-
      32            September  2017 - Immersive & Engagement Marketing (AR / VR)
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