Page 30 - AeM_Sept_2017
P. 30


             Microsoft boosts investment in Industrial

             IoT (IIoT) with Asian Partner Alliance

            One year after the launch of the IoT Innovation Cen-  "We're pleased to partner with Microsoft to setup the
            ter in Taiwan, Microsoft has boosted investment in   IoT Innovation Center in Taiwan as Asia hub to foster
            the Industrial IoT with the availability of an OPC Uni-  close collaboration with local and global partners by
            fied Architecture (UA) testing lab and extended sup-  speeding up IoT solutions and deployment across differ-
            port to customers and partners in Asia through its   ent industries."
            Federated Lab initiative to accelerate digital transfor-
            mation.                                              Microsoft’s Azure IoT platform

            Since the October launch in Taipei last year, the Mi-  Customers and partners are turning to the IoT to create
            crosoft IoT Innovation Center has helped customers and   new business solutions that help them address prob-
            partners advance their digital transformation by facilitat-  lems in new ways using data-driven insight on their jour-
            ing in-depth engagement with IoT partners to create new   neys toward digital transformation. Microsoft has built a
            connected business solutions. The Industry 4.0 plan is   portfolio that supports the needs of all customers and
            part of Taiwan's "5+2 Major Innovative Industries policy,"   enables everyone to access the benefits of digital trans-
            which aims to transform hardware to have cloud connec-  formation. For example, Azure IoT Suite is a customi-
            tivity and AI capability that helps to revitalize Taiwan's   zable PaaS solution that is best used when managing a
            economy.                                             huge number of devices and manufacturers seeking
                                                                 connected factory solutions which require highly cus-
            "Government programs, such as the 'Asia Silicon Valley   tomizable IoT solutions tailored to their complex needs.
            Development Plan' and 'Forward-Looking Infrastructure   Microsoft IoT Central is a fully managed SaaS solution
            Plan,' advocate developments and transformation in the   that is best used when you need to get started quickly
            technology service industry in Taiwan," said Minister of   with minimal IoT experience. Azure IoT Edge provides

            Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), Jong-chin Shen.   organizations with the capacity to do local computer
      30            September  2017 - Immersive & Engagement Marketing (AR / VR)
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