Page 36 - AeM_Sept_2017
P. 36


                                            The WPP-backed ad tech firm AppNexus and Rubicon Project launched
                                  , Inc., an independent organization dedicated to the development
                                            and promotion of open-source header bidding solutions and other open-source
                                            tools to drive publisher monetization. A collaborative effort of industry partners,
                                   is open to all parties advocating for unbiased and efficient moneti-
                                            zation solutions and a digital advertising ecosystem that thrives through fair

                                            In joining, partners commit to a Code of Conduct containing direc-
                                            tives for header bidding wrapper mechanics, data and transparency, and user
             experience. Written to ensure best practices for fair market competition, the Code of Conduct supports improved
             performance for publishers and user experience for consumers. Amongst the products currently contributed to
    are client-side wrapper solution, Prebid.js, server-side header bidding solution, Prebid Server, as well
             as Prebid Mobile, Prebid Video, ad Prebid Native. The solutions support all device types.

             Header bidding is a technique created to offer publishers a more efficient way of working with programmatic ven-
             dors, equipping them to improve their monetization strategies in an unbiased environment. As opposed to proprie-
             tary technologies, open-source header bidding solutions are updated on a continuous basis by a multitude of in-
             dustry players – the community currently spans 81 demand partner adapters, 5 analytics providers,
             and 191 individuals who contribute code to the project. The collaborative nature of the organization instills trans-
             parency and accountability into the ecosystem, while enabling the Prebid solutions to adapt quickly to market and
             publisher needs.

             Publishers and ad tech vendors are invited to join, to further develop and champion best practices for
             open-source header bidding. ◊

            Local agency SECTION completes the beta development of the Cross Border Insights Finder.

            Produced by FACEBOOK IQ, designed and developed by SECTION, this new tool is for free available online for
            businesses of all sizes looking to explore and unlock new growth opportunities beyond their borders.

            By asking three simple questions, the Finder is able to provide an instant comparative analysis of the following indi-

              Potential reach, which is the number of people your ads would potentially be able to reach on Facebook in the
                listed country, indicating the potential market size
              Conversion index, that reflects the aggregated relative conversion rate in the selected country and industry for
                that campaign objective
              Cost index, which reflects the aggregated relative costs to advertise in the selected country and industry for
                the specific campaign objective
              Competition index, which indicates how frequently consumers see ads in the selected country and industry
                for that campaign objective, indicating how competitive the market is on Facebook platforms

            In line with FACEBOOK’s vision to bring people closer together, FACEBOOK IQ is providing this tool to connect
            businesses better with the real and right people in markets they work in or intend to explore and export to.

            The beta version is now available in English, Traditional / Simplified Chinese, Korean and Japanese with more lan-
            guages to come in the coming months. ◊

             Following rapid recent growth, R/GA Shanghai has announced a continued strengthening of its leader-
             ship team with two key appointments.

               Sook Ping Chow joins as Managing Director, bringing with her 20 years of pan-Asian industry experience in
                 agencies including M&C Saatchi, Leo Burnett, TBWA, Wieden + Kennedy and, latterly, Factory Design Labs,
                 whose Shanghai office she launched and built as MD. She will report to Jim Moffatt, EVP Managing Director
               With a distinguished career including five years of multi-award-winning campaigns for Nike China, celebrated
                 Wieden + Kennedy Shanghai CD, Terence Leong has also been snared as Executive Creative Director. He’ll
                 report to Chow, and work closely with VP ECD APAC, Bob Mackintosh. ◊
      36            September  2017 - Immersive & Engagement Marketing (AR / VR)
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