Page 28 - AeM_Sept_2017
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             Hitachi Vantara is dedicated to solving

             the world’s toughest business and soci-

             etal challenges

            Hitachi, Ltd. just launched Hitachi Vantara, a new busi-  The opportunity in data
            ness entity to leverage the broad portfolio of innovation,
            development and experience from across Hitachi Group   The market opportunity for mission-critical data solu-
            companies to deliver data-driven solutions for commer-  tions has never been greater. Data has become a busi-
            cial and industrial enterprises. This new company will   nesses’ greatest asset if they can extract actionable
            unify the operations of Hitachi Data Systems, Hitachi   insights from it. Clearly, data holds the key to new reve-
            Insight Group and Pentaho into a single integrated busi-  nue streams, better customer experiences, improved
            ness as Hitachi Vantara to capitalize on Hitachi’s social   market insights and lower costs of doing business.
            innovation capability in both operational technologies   However, a comprehensive offering has yet to emerge
            (OT) and information technologies (IT).              that combines both OT and IT expertise to uncover its
                                                                 true potential—until now. Hitachi Vantara is uniquely
            Hitachi has been a leader in OT for industries such as   able to help customers extract all the value their data
            finance, government, manufacturing, power/energy and   has to offer. By bringing new data-driven solutions and
            transportation for over 100 years by now, providing solu-  services to market, Hitachi Vantara will help its custom-
            tions that have positively impacted cities, industrial oper-  ers achieve tangible outcomes that positively drive busi-
            ations and businesses at large. The company has also   ness and society forward.
            been a leader in IT for over 50 years, bringing IT applica-
            tions, analytics, content, cloud, and infrastructure solu-  Filling a critical gap in the emerging IoT market
            tions to market that have transformed the way enterpris-
            es do business. By combining Hitachi’s broad expertise   According to Gartner, “more than $440 billion will be
            in OT with its proven IT product innovations and solu-  spent on IoT in 2020” and the firm estimates that by
            tions, Hitachi Vantara gives customers a powerful, col-  2020 “there will be more than 21 billion connected sen-
            laborative partner in data – unavailable in any one com-  sors and endpoints. Hence, it is expected that digital
            pany until today.                                    twins will exist for potentially billions of things] in the
                                                                 same timeframe.

      28            September  2017 - Immersive & Engagement Marketing (AR / VR)
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