Page 23 - AeM_Sept_2017
P. 23


       proves. It’s Adobe’s central framework for Artificial In-  can identify in what the user is currently interested in
       telligence and Machine Learning, that provides access   and directly access the appropriate content in the Crea-
       to an immense collection of files and data to support   tive Cloud.
       the Customer Experience.                            I am curious to see how this campaign is evolving, but
                                                           Namics and Adobe are clearly pushing their partnership
       Properly implemented, VR can be personalized and    to the next level by trying to deliver a streamlined, con-
       immersive without seeming to be unnatural, since    sistent and high-quality digital experience with a focus
       techniques from Marketing Cloud and Creative Cloud   on the end users, besides helping organizations maxim-
       unite for real-time advertising in VR environments.   ize the core role of digital change. ◊
       Apart from the fact that thanks to Adobe Sensei deep
       learning opportunities are available, the analysis and                           By Daniela La Marca
       advertising features of the Adobe Experience Cloud

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