Page 24 - AeM_Sept_2017
P. 24


             Opera introduces first browser to

             support 360-degree videos in virtual

             reality headsets

            Opera’s new developer update comes with a built-in VR   ers, which is why the company has begun to focus on
            360 player for leading headsets such as HTC Vive, Ocu-  creating and embedding direct VR playback into the
            lus Rift and other OpenVR compatible devices, unlocking  browser. This functionality enables users to watch virtu-
            the immersive world of 360-degree videos for Opera us-  al reality videos and standard 2D videos instantly
            ers.                                                 through their VR headsets.

            VR will change how we experience the web forever

            The rapid growth of the 360 videos and soon WebVR
            bring an exciting revolution for VR content on the web.
            However, with limited software support, it has been diffi-
            cult for VR headset owners to easily enjoy the fast-
            growing library of 360-degree content on Youtube, Face-
            book and other video portals.                   

            So far, they had to use inconvenient workarounds, like
            downloading the video first - including spending time on
            finding a “download” button and waiting for the download
            - then quitting the browser and launching a separate
            player app, but wasting time and bandwidth on blindly
            downloading a video that is out-of-date.
            Opera wants to bring the best web experience to its us-
      24            September  2017 - Immersive & Engagement Marketing (AR / VR)
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