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the best performance in the respective areas and to Since this has to happen in real-time, the basis for this
support the respective roles optimally within the cus- is a strategic planning on how to react to possible de-
tomer journey: velopments and which basic orientations have to follow
these quick reactions to serve the corporate objective -
Paid Media: Here it is all about the continuous improve- and might also be able to be implemented in the short
ment of the tactically embossed modulation of term without complex coordination processes.
measures - from bid strategies at keyword level to play- Another connection between Earned Media and the
out of adapted measures on mobile devices, and from a data-driven strategic planning lies in the fact that this
strategic perspective the insights-based definition of area is per se one of the most relevant sources for the
relevant channels, contact frequencies and targeting for aforementioned signals and more suitable for market
comprehensive reach while retaining control of wast- research approaches from the area of social monitoring
age. and analytics.

Owned Media: Data are here the relevant sources to As already mentioned, the major challenge is the inte-
provide relevant content that is not only entertaining gration of signals in the proven planning steps of the
customers, but also encouraging them to interact with strategy development processes. The success factor is
the brand. It is not just about editorial content on the to combine the human intellect to abstract hypotheses
website or the social channels, but all types of advertis- with the technical possibilities of data provision and
ing media play here an important role - whether digital analysis. Without this combination, there is a danger to
or traditional. The crucial question is: What message accumulate just more and more data and get lost in it,
needs to reach which target group, when is it exactly or rather to secure the all too important quick wins in a
delivered, via which channel or placement, in which rapidly rotating media world.
format and in what kind of creative way? From these
seven basic criteria, each with different characteristics, For the realm of marketing and media, the construct of
result almost endless combination possibilities in the the Customer Journey provides an important orienta-
digital realm that can only be prioritized data assisted. tion guide. Strategic planning based on the customer
journey has the advantage that the model is used both
Earned Media: Since this area is the least controlled by for simplification of contexts and thus the operationali-
companies, the strategic use of data is seen as differen- zation, but at the same time secures the orientation of
tiated from the other two areas. Here it is more about sub-projects of the Data-Driven Marketing. Not to men-
observing how content, often injected via Owned or tion that a consistent customer journey viewing allows
Paid Media, spreads and changes due to the user. De- to overcome the frequent threshold between strategic
ployed are here data to support developments, control planning and operational implementation.◊
to a small extent, and also to set up non-injected sub-
jects. By Daniela La Marca

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