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sets new record in Big Data demand

AccuWeather, Inc., the global lead- Today, AccuWeather processes 9.5 AccuWeather's patented technolo-
er in weather information and digital billion requests for weather infor- gy that analyzes multiple weather
media, just announced that it re- mation every day. Our trusted factors to determine how the tem-
ceives and processes more than weather data, combined with the perature actually feels.
9.5 billion digital requests for its evolution of technology and mobile
accurate and personalized weather devices, allows us to fulfill our mis- Users of the AccuWeather mobile
forecasts with Superior Accuracy™ sion of personalizing the weather to website also have access to the
every day from locations all over the improve people's lives on a signifi- groundbreaking 45-day extended
world. cantly larger scale than ever be- forecast, and users of AccuWeath-
fore", he concluded. er Android and iPhone apps have
AccuWeather users check the the option of receiving automatic,
weather forecast on the go multiple Besides that, there is AccuWeather pushed severe weather alerts.
times per day through AccuWeath- MinuteCast, a unique patented in- and the award-winning Ac- novation driving additional data de- AccuWeather offers global fore-
cuWeather apps from their mand for AccuWeather, that pro- casts for every place on Earth in
smartphones, tablets, televisions, vides a new level of personalized over 100 languages and dialects,
watches and wearables, and minute-by-minute weather infor- with continued language expansion
through other emerging platforms mation by using users’ street ad- planned due to the high internation-
such as connected car and home dress or GPS locations. It gives al demand for AccuWeather infor-
devices. users by-the-minute precipitation mation and updates, driving addi-
forecasts for the next two hours - tional data usage and growth.
"New mobile technologies mean including precipitation type and in-
new ways for people to access per- tensity, start times, and end times The company partnered with the
sonalized, life-saving weather infor- for their exact locations - with the world's largest connected device
mation from AccuWeather," said Superior Accuracy that is Ac- manufacturers and platforms to
Steven Smith, AccuWeather Chief cuWeather's hallmark. present its customized content and
Digital Officer. engaging video presentations on
Additional popular AccuWeather smart phones, tablets, free wired
"AccuWeather has expanded expo- features include hourly and extend- and mobile Internet sites, connect-
nentially on a global scale, growing ed forecasts, weather radar, and ed TVs, and Internet appliances, as
from 2 million to more than 4 billion satellite displays for tracking the well as via radio, television, and
digital data requests for daily weath- latest storms, plus RealFeel Tem- newspapers.◊
er information in less than five perature,
years. By MediaBUZZ

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