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Everything is measurable –

even the impact of the Oscars

The digital marketing technology company, Amobee, just 45% positive sentiment, thanks to the earned inter-
shared some interesting data related to the Oscars that est around the Tegan and Sara and The Lonely
detail the top celebrity and brand moments across digital Island music performance. Between the huge pro-
platforms and even provides a comprehensive view on duction number and the Lego Oscars being handed
the Most Memorable Moments, Top 5 Brand Sentiments, out to the audience, the brand probably got around
the Top 5 brands with the highest share of voice and $7.5 million dollars of free advertising on the night.
social mentions during the Academy Awards.
2. Meanwhile Dove earned the Most Loved Brand
The data from Amobee Brand Intelligence provides is award, with 29,250 social mentions around the
quite impressive analysis: brand and their #speakbeautiful hashtag, with sen-
timent around the brand and hashtag an amazing
Two brands really stood out from the pack in terms of 91% positive. The campaign, to encourage women
generating online buzz and brand consumption in real to tweet more positively about their bodies, comes
time during the ceremony at the Oscars, namely Lego on the heels of the Always #LikeAGirl campaign
and Dove, as well as the usual suspects Coca-Cola, that generated 403,000 real-time social mentions
Samsung and McDonald: during the Super Bowl, and really shows the impact
a relevant, feminist message can have for brands.
1. Taking home the Most Awesome Brand award,
Lego stood apart with the most brand mentions 3. Earning honorable mentions, Coca-Cola gener-

around the event, with 46,881 social mentions and ated 12,600 social mentions and 28% positive sen-
timents during the Oscars, Samsung had 11,502
28 Asian eMarketing January 2015 - Digital Marketing Trends & Predictions
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