Page 23 - AeM_June_2018
P. 23


       leave the newsletter to  watch the video,  which can be   noticeably, so-called ‘cinemagraphs’, that play with the
       uncomfortable,  especially  on  mobile  devices,  as  it  is   visual perception and are therefore real eye-catchers.
       necessary  to  switch  between  different  apps  (for
       example, email and YouTube).                         3.  HTML  Embedding:  Only  a  few  email  clients
                                                            recognize  videos  that  are  directly  integrated  into  the
       Display problems tend to be rare for static images with   newsletter  via  HTML5.  This  means,  functioning  real
       video linking. The video is played independently by the   videos  in  the  newsletter  are  unfortunately  the
       newsletter  and  cannot  be  blocked  by  the  email  client.   exception.  Most  clients  simply  skip  the  video  in  the
       However,  this  security  is  paid  for  by  losing  part  of  the   code, so that nothing is displayed in the newsletter.
       effect  of  the  video.  Without  a  moving  image  in  the
       newsletter, the video content gets much less attention.   In principle, the video tag in HTML allows you to embed
       So  this  solution  is  safe,  but  only  moderately  effective.   videos, play them automatically and insert play buttons.
                                                            Considering  the  flexibility  of  the  format,  videos
       2. Animated GIF:                                     embedded  in  this  way  are  ideal,  but  an  alternative
                                                            solution should always be defined. For example, if the
       If the newsletter shall contain real moving pictures, we   video  cannot  be  played  directly  in  the  newsletter,  a
       can recommend another way, namely an animated GIF,   static  image  with  ‘fakeplayer’  or  a  GIF  can  be
       placed in the  newsletter like any  other image. It fulfills   deposited. The combination ensures that your video is
       the most important requirements of videos: The moving   not getting easily lost.
       image  captures  the  viewer's  attention,  who  then  deals
       more  intensively  with  the  newsletter  and  which  can   It does not matter which format you choose, but always
       already lead to significant increases in sales. Best of all,   pay  attention  to  the  size  of  the  embedded  video  or
       the  format  is  supported  and  easily  displayed  by  most   image.  Especially  GIF  files  with  a  high  number  of
       email clients. Due to the file format, however, a GIF is   frames can become unexpectedly large. In addition to
       always  mute  -  sound  is  not  possible  -  hence,  an   long  loading  times  you  run  the  risk  here  that  the
       important  component  of  the  video  content  is  lost.  But   newsletter is intercepted by the spam filters. To limit the
       since  many  people  anyway  prefer  non-sound  content,   file size, all images should always be uploaded in the
       because  they  feel  disturbed  by  sudden  noise,  having   size they appear in the newsletter.
       the sound of their computer generally turned off, it could
       work well.                                           In  conclusion,  videos  offer  high  potential  for  email
                                                            marketing  and  can  ensure  that  recipients  deal  more
       Short videos can be implemented as a whole GIF, but if   intensively  with the content of newsletters, though the
       the video is longer, the GIF should be used as a teaser   technical  implementation  is  and  remains  complicated
       only. To do so, convert only the beginning of the video   and requires compromises. ◊
       into a GIF and link to the whole video. Tip: Particularly
       attractive  and  unusual  are  images  that  move  barely                          By Daniela La Marca

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