Page 22 - AeM_June_2018
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             Challenges to keep an eye on when

             using videos in email marketing

            Videos  are  said  to  be  strong  traffic  and  engagement  In  addition,  it  seems  problematic  to  implement  the
            guarantors in online marketing, especially when used in  embedding for different representations. Not to mention
            social media, since posting live videos and short clips is  that  many  people  generally  react  negatively  to  videos
            explicitly  encouraged  and  promoted  by  networks  like  that  are  automatically  played  without  warning.  So,  it's
            Facebook where visual content gets a lot of attention.   important to find useful alternatives to embedded video.
                                                                 Which ones, I’ll show you in the following paragraphs:
            Time and again videos are hailed as the newest, hottest
            trend in email marketing, but just because  a newsletter   1. Static image with linking (fakeplayer):
            contains videos will not make it better or more effective.
            How  to  properly  handle  video  content  in  the  newsletter  This solution is the easiest to implement, but some of
            and  how  to  best  implement  it  makes  the  difference.  the benefits of video content unfortunately get lost that
                                                                 way.  The  newsletter  itself  only  shows  a  simple  static
            Undeniably,  however,  the  biggest  advantage  of  video  image that provides a hint that there is a video behind
            content is that it addresses multiple senses at the same  it.  This  can  be,  for  example,  a  play  button,  a  graphic
            time and attracts that way much more attention than text  implementation in the style of a video player, a call-to-
            and static images alone. In addition, videos are easier to  action  like  "watch  video"  or  even  a  combination  of
            absorb  as  they  are  more  likely  to  be  associated  with  these solutions.
            entertainment  and  more  suitable  for  transporting
            emotional  content.  Visual  elements,  such  as  gestures   If  the  recipient  clicks  on  this  image  or  the  ‘call-to-
            and facial expressions, have a completely different effect   action”, he will be taken to a website where the actual
            than text content. Not to mention that more information   video will be played. The fact that users must click first
            can  be  transmitted  within  a  short  time  and  with  little   results  in  a  very  good  measurability,  showing  exactly
            space  requirement,  since  no  long  texts  are  needed.   how  many  people  clicked  on  the  static  image  and
                                                                 watched the video.
            As  known,  however,  the  technical  hurdles  can  be
            relatively tough when using videos in newsletters, since   There are several options for playing the video: Either
            in most email clients, embedded videos generally do not   you  embed  the  video  into  a  specific  landing  page,
            work  for  several  reasons:  Firstly,  the  emails  are  very   where you can see recommended content next to the
            large,  so  the  download  times  at  the  receiver  extend   video. Even a video portal such as YouTube or Vimeo
            enormously. On the other hand, any kind of embedded   can  be  linked,  if  you  can’t  provide  your  own  landing
            content offers potential for abuse.                  page.  But  no  matter  how  you  implement  the  linking,
                                                                 there is always a certain hurdle. The recipient must first

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