Page 20 - AeM_June_2018
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             Mobile websites:

             The underestimated communications channel

            Apparently, mobile optimization, the preparation of the   tab  or  clicking  on  "Back"),  it  sends  a  signal  to  the
            corporate website for optimal display on smartphones    search  engine,  saying  “Here  I  did  not  find  what  I
            and  tablets,  is  deemed  negligible  by  many  marketing   was  looking  for”.  For  Google,  it  grades  down  the
            or sales decision makers - in the otherwise often very   website's relevance even further, as users obviously
            innovative, industrial companies.                       seem to hope finding what they were searching for
                                                                    somewhere else.
            Considering  that  by  now  more  than  50%  of  website
            accesses  worldwide  are  via  smartphones,  and  the   Whether the user habits affect the Google algorithm or
            proportion  of  mobile  searches  is  increasing,  leads  to   vice  versa,  we  are  dealing  with  a  typical  hen-egg
            two problems for website operators:                  problem here, where the phenomena cause each other.
                                                                 Unfortunately,  as  the  operator  of  a  B2B  website,  you
               Punishment  by  Google  in  the  search  results:   must play along as otherwise user potential (leads) will
                Already since 2015, Google rates websites that are   be lost.
                poorly  portrayed  on  smartphones  and  tablets
                worse  and  let  them  appear  further  down  on  the   The  fact  is  that  the  number  of  search  queries  from
                search  results  list  (SERP).  An  official  statement   mobile devices outpaced the desktop search already for
                on  Google's  Webmaster  blog  states  that  the   a while is an argument on its own. That the criteria for
                Google  search  algorithm  adapts  to  people's   desktop  and  mobile  optimization  of  web  pages  are  in
                changing (mobile) search habits. Then, in October   principle the same, - both for human observers and for
                2016,  Google  also  made  clear  that  the  mobile   the ranking bots of the search engines, is one more - as
                index would replace the desktop index as the main   mentioned,  both  require  each  other.  And  that’s  why
                index  (keyword  "mobile  first"),  hence,  website   websites  must  be  fully  responsive  nowadays,  always
                owners  must  follow  this  trend  if  their  offers  don’t   adapting  to  the  respective  viewport  of  the  user.
                want to lose relevance.                          Otherwise, there is the problem that when the page is
                                                                 reduced, you cannot read the texts, the images are not
               Users leaving the website: If a user quickly leaves   captured, and navigation gets difficult, which are reason
                your website (for example, by closing the browser   enough for many users to leave the site.

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