Page 21 - AeM_June_2018
P. 21


       However,  if  the  page  is  displayed  in  its  original  size,  it     Not  to  embed  videos  directly  on  the  website,  just
       appears  "cut  off"  and  the  disoriented  user  swipes  back   link to them (with preview image).
       and forth to find the desired content. Firstly, both gives
       an unprofessional impression and, secondly, most often     Make  sure  to  avoid  auto-play  features  as  well  -  it
       this leads to the abortion of the website interaction. So,   may seem fancy at first glance, but someone who is
       not only a potential lead is lost, but also a negative UX   sitting  on  the  train  and  has  not  muted  your
       signal sent to the search engine, whereby the page for   smartphone,  might  not  want  to  be  surprised  by
       the respective search word is further devalued.         ‘intro videos’.

       Responsive design and fast loading time a must
                                                              Continue  to  remove  the  artifacts  of  Flash
       Make sure you have a responsive layout of your website,   animations from your website - they do not make a
       or at least play a mobile website that also contains all the   good impression on the visitor and lead to Google's
       content  -  not  a  "slimmed  down"  version  of  the  desktop   devaluation.
                                                              It sounds banal, but apparently it can’t be repeated
       Even though mobile networks and their bandwidth have    often enough: Make sure your texts are readable:
       increased  significantly  in  recent  years,  please  keep  in
       mind that:                                             Make telephone numbers clickable, so that the user
                                                               does  not  have  to  work  tediously  with  the  small
          Multimedia  content  still  often  has  large  volumes  of   display's copy-paste functions.
          data. This increases the load time, which is annoying
          for users, and leads to sales losses for companies:     Design  contact  forms  in  a  way  that  they  can  be
          53% of the page visits are aborted due to load times   used and filled out on the smartphone.
          of more than 3 seconds!
                                                           If a website is to serve as a marketing tool, instead of
                                                           just being a business card on the net, it must be found
          Flash animations and videos are no longer supported
          by  the  most  popular  and  have  never  worked  on   by  the  users  first  and  then  deliver  as  accurately  as
                                                           possible  what  has  been  searched  for  -  anytime,
          iPhones anyway.
                                                           anywhere - conveniently. ◊
       Therefore, I recommend to:
                                                                                        By Daniela La Marca
          Banish  large  graphic  files  from  your  website:  View
          small,  data-saving  thumbnails  that  the  users  can
          zoom in, if they are interested.

                                                 MediaBUZZ Pte Ltd - Independant ePublisher for Asia
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