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            while  Millennials  ascribed  more  importance  to   thirds   of   consumers   agree   that   brands   are
            treatment of staff.                                  communicating   just   the   right   amount,   while
                                                                 interestingly,  nearly  one  in  five  (16%)  believe  that
            Nearly three in four consumers (73%) found it important   brands  are  not  communicating  enough.  Younger
            for  brands  to  mirror  the  state  of  the  world  in  their   consumers  were  more  likely  to  unsubscribe  from
            marketing collaterals in response to COVID-19. China   emailers,  highlighting  the  importance  of  taking  a
            (80%) and India (83%) consumers were more likely to   personalized  approach  to  keep  different  groups
            agree  with  this  sentiment.  Furthermore,  there  is  a   engaged.
            general  sense  that  brands  have  a  duty  to  proactively
            offer help or provide special offers to customers at this   Making plans for the long term
            time. This sense of duty among marketers is strongest
            in  China  (94%)  and  India  (94%),  and  weakest  in   To respond to these nuances in customer preference,
            Australia (82%). In the US, close to four fifths (78%) of   majority  of  organizations  are  transforming  their  long-
            marketers  surveyed  say  brands  have  this  duty.   term strategy in case this period lasts for more than a
                                                                 year  (79%)  and  are  also  changing  their  approach  to
            Not the end of brick and mortar                      future  marketing  efforts  (82%).  In  fact,  marketers  in
                                                                 APAC  organizations  indicated  a  greater  inclination  to
            During  the  lockdown,  58%  of  consumers  increased   make   long-term   changes   compared   to   their
            their  online  shopping  frequency  while  three  quarters   counterparts  in  the  US.  Changes  include  shifting  to
            (74%) cited an intention to change their future shopping   different   marketing   channels   (75%),   changing
            habits  –  with  Indian  and  Singaporean  consumers   prioritized audiences (58%) and reallocating resources
            reporting  the  strongest  intention.  Unsurprisingly,   across different regions (47%).
            younger  generations  were  more  likely  to  cite  an
            intention to change future  shopping habits  while older   The intrinsic value of brands directly addressing COVID
            generations preferred to maintain status quo.        -19 in external communications is apparent with almost
                                                                 three quarters (71%) of marketers reporting to have a
            Despite  COVID-19,  close  to  three  quarters  (70%)  of   COVID-19  task  force  to  manage  messaging  and
            consumers  reported  a  preference  for  purchasing   campaigns.  Those  in  Australia  (55%)  and  Singapore
            grocery  items  in  person,  while  around  half  also  opted   (67%) are less likely to have a task force, while those in
            for  home  delivery  (47%),  and  17%  relied  on  curbside   China  (81%)  and  India  (80%)  are  more  likely.  In
            pick-up.  Across  all  product  categories,  younger   contrast, less than half of marketers in Japan and the
            generations  and  urban  residents  preferred  home   US  report  having  specific  teams for  that.  The  positive
            delivery while the older generation preferred in- person   outcome of aligning closely with a COVID-19 task force
            shopping,  with  the  exception  of  media  for  the  latter.   is that the vast majority of marketers in APAC feel that
            Amongst all countries surveyed, Australian consumers   organizational  marketing/  communications  have  been
            were more likely to favor in-person shopping across all   both  authentic  (94%)  and  have  resonated  with
            product categories.                                  customers (92%).

            Sending the right message at the right               Conducted by the research firm Advanis for Adobe, the
            time                                                 study surveyed 4,001 consumers in selected Asia
                                                                 Pacific (APAC) countries – Australia, China, India and
            It  appears  that  marketers  have  done  a  good  job  at   Singapore and 1,200 marketers across China, India,
            keeping  brand  sentiment  relatively  positive  during  this   Singapore and Australia between 1 – 17 June 2020.
            time  since  the  vast  majority  of  marketers  feel  that
            organizational  communications  have  been  authentic   You may download the full reports on the Adobe
            (94%) and resonated with customers (92%). Over half   website – Consumer Report | Marketer
            (55%)  of  consumers  found  utility  in  brand-related   Report. (Source: Adobe) ◊
            COVID-19  updates  they  were  sent,  with  69%
            requesting said updates in the future.                                                 By MediaBUZZ
            Frequency  of  messaging  and  ensuring  that  specific
            groups  of  consumers  receive  messages  they  need,
            when they need them was a crucial part of this. Two-

             July 2020: Virtual-, Augmented & Mixed Reality: revolutionizing the customer experience           10
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