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P. 39

Nourishing trust sites already. So, it’s all again Surveillance by CCTV cameras in
about clarification of what is done public spaces is an example of a
Trust is becoming increasingly im- with the data of the users - where technology that brings the gaze of
portant and a kind of currency in they are going to and to whom are a superior into the daily lives of the
times of electronic eavesdropping they available. populace.
and the power of Google and Co.
Hence, I don’t have to remember But perhaps education on the ben- Or just think about the recent Sam-
how quickly it can be destroyed and efits of digital advertising would be sung's smart TV incident making
how tedious it is to rebuilding it - if useful, too, such as personally tai- consumer question what such
possible at all. lored offers or last but not least, an screens are really doing and capa-
advertising-funded and therefore ble of, after seeing the company’s
The legal frameworks are in gen- free internet? privacy policy that warns users to
eral not enough, rather it is im- “please be aware that if your spo-
portant to respect and accept us- The ethical standards of the analog ken words include personal or oth-
ers’ privacy. Just keep in mind that world can’t simply be adopted to er sensitive information, that infor-
not everything that is technically the digital environment, hence it mation will be among the data cap-
possible is appreciated by the us- needs new social rules. However, tured and transmitted to a third par-
ers, even if it is in accordance with transparency alone isn’t the magic ty through your use of Voice
data protection laws. However, few- bullet, as it isn’t a regulations tool Recognition.”
er and better advertising definitely and only important as a general
annoys the user a bit less. principle of law. Of course, Samsung’s SmartTV
came under fire, although the com-
In case of trust having been put at We all know that in our digital pany reassures that neither the
risk, companies can only build it up world, transparency is often ineffec- TV's mic nor the one in the remote
again if they follow their own rules, tive as a protection tool and would are monitoring everything users
which means informing their users, only work if users have a profound say. Nevertheless, it seems that
while being open, honest and trans- freedom of choice, as even legal smart TV makers haven't finished
parent. requirements can’t regulate every- tackling the privacy concerns yet,
thing. Companies need to know reminding me a bit of all the de-
Transparency is (no) universal that there is a limit and that there is bates more than a decade ago,
remedy an area that remains off-limits for when ISPs took the heat for keep-
them - whatever data they man- ing their cards close to their chest
aged to collect. since they track users' activities
The important keyword here is "self constantly. I am wondering if we
-determination". A company that is just have to get used to the fact
watching over its customers like Coming back to the Panopticon I that the internet allows for a panop-
“Big Brother” is acting in a way mentioned, that creates a con- tic form of observation and make
which is no longer up to date. Many sciousness of permanent visibility best use of it - as one global Inter-
companies have recognized that as a form of power and building on net community. ◊
and some already offer a cookie Foucault, contemporary social crit-
opt-out, even though they only work ics often assert that technology has
with anonymized data. allowed for the deployment of pan- By Daniela La Marca
optic structures invisibly throughout
In general, a note on the use of
cookies is seen more often on web-

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