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“The term “Apophenia” was coined by neurologist Which brings us to the reason why Amophenia can be
Klaus Conrad and defined as the "unmotivated seeing seen as kind of connected to ‘Big Data’. Data created
of connections”, as the perception of patterns or con- by people that share their thoughts and knowledge
nections where none exist. more and more often on social networks– look at our
Facebook article – are interesting for marketers who try
Most psychologists agree that this condition exists in to make sense of all that information to succeed. In
everyone to some degree, as it is a bias of the human fact, today’s marketers are betting big on random posts
mind. Or as Umberto Eco, describes it in Foucault's and tweets to figure out the behavior and interests of
Pendulum: “Any fact becomes important when it's con- their customers in order to serve them more relevant
nected to another”. ads. Or are they just seeing patterns that aren’t really
there? You decide! ◊

By MediaBUZZ

40 Asian eMarketing February 2015 - Data-Driven Marketing
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