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Schober’s data protection - compliant

combination of online and offline data

The direct interaction between advertisers and custom- capaneo DataDriver is an innovative data management
ers has never been as simple, and at the same time as platform (DMP) for personalized customer communica-
difficult. Because of the variety of channels and tools the tion via all display channels in real-time. It recognizes
pressure of competition among companies increases. website visitors and controls personalized advertising
Besides, today’s preferable unusual content and ideas over various platforms. On top of that, it provides data
that manage to get as close as possible to the key de- protection-compliant linking of online and offline capa-
mographic group as possible, times are quite challeng- bility - made anonymous and no longer traceable.
You will be able to identify anonymous visitors to your
Individually tailored advertising on the Internet is there- site immediately and assign them to a fixed user profile.
fore the marketing currency of the future. In the battle for Further, you can identify existing customers online, alt-
the attention of online users, it is important for advertis- hough they are not logged in, or segment profiles with
ers to find their customers along their individual customer additional information from external providers with even
journey and to speak with customized advertising materi- more detail and address them directly.
How to use the capaneo Data Driver and to capitalize
How to achieve it? How can data from various sources on your own data, 3rd party data, and the data from
be linked together so that efficient cross channel cam- involved matching partner?
paigns are possible? Ask the schober marketing group!

The company’s has capaneo DataDriver on offer, a tech-
nology that allows an intelligent combination of online

and offline data.
34 Asian eMarketing January 2015 - Digital Marketing Trends & Predictions
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