Page 22 - AeM_Nov_2018
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             Criteo predicts record-breaking sales

             on both Singles’ Day and 12/12 in SEA

            Especially  online,  sales  are  increasing,  and  the  buying  digital  engagement  strategies  another  one  to  two
            power  of  consumers  is  trending  high,  making  an  weeks  before  the  expected  increase  in  shoppers’
            impressive  digital  presence  the  more  crucial  for  any  e-  browsing behavior. They can do so by analyzing data
            commerce companies.                                  from  every  touchpoint  on  the  purchase  journey  and
                                                                 investing in personalization technologies to capture and
            The  year-end  shopping  season  just  starting,  which  is  retain  shoppers’  attention  and  interest  until  the  day
            why Criteo revealed just now its seasonal shopping data  when purchases are completed.
            for 11/11 (also known as Singles’ Day) and 12/12. The
            company’s  data  reinforces  both  events’  potential  for  “Retail sales figures on 12/12 are growing at a higher
            exponential  growth  in  Southeast  Asia  (SEA)  and  rate  in  SEA  than  11/11.  While  retailers  are  already
            massive  opportunities  for  retailers  in  what  is  becoming  investing  in  11/11  and  smashing  records,  12/12  is
            the region’s primetime year-end shopping season, rather  starting to mobilize shoppers and deliver opportunities
            than just two standalone dates in the calendar.      at  a  similar  scale,”  said  Alban  Villani,  Managing
                                                                 Director,  Southeast  Asia,  Hong  Kong  and  Taiwan,
            In 2017, there  was a 238% increase  in sales on  11/11  Criteo.  “It  now  makes  sense  to  pay  attention  to  this
            and 258% on 12/12 respectively. Shoppers in the region  entire  blockbuster  season.  Incorporating  data-driven
            start browsing and researching products online up to a  and machine learning solutions into your digital strategy
            week  ahead  of  both  dates,  before  completing  throughout this season – and not just on two days – will
            transactions.                                        ensure  your  products  are  the  ones  that  get  seen  and
                                                                 bought across the region.”
            Analyzing 71 million retail shopping transactions across
            desktop, smartphones and tablets from retail advertisers  Singles’  Day:  Kickstarting  the  primetime  year-end
            in  SEA  last  year  (1  October  to  31  December  2017),  shopping season
            Criteo saw a 78% increase in average site visitation on
            11/11 itself, signaling  the  start of a primetime  year-end  In  the  SEA  region,  retail  sales  peaked  on  11
            purchasing  season  that  impacts  most  retail  categories  November,  with  a  238%  increase.  Between  4  and  11
            across Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan and Vietnam.     November, there was a 32% increase in average online
                                                                 traffic on key retail companies’ websites.
            Retailers  that  aim  to  engage  shoppers  and  maximize
            retail  sales  this  year  must  therefore  start  executing

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