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Pioneer and

trendsetter in video


continues to power

human collaboration

Just last year Polycom introduced RealPresence One,
Whether you want to improve communications, in-
crease productivity, or enhance your corporate culture, probably the industry’s most reliable, interoperable, and
nothing is as effective as enabling feature-rich collabo- scalable solution to video-enable your organization. It
ration and conferencing experiences, multinational cor- contains intelligent infrastructure, the Polycom Real-
poration Polycom explains. Presence Platform, that makes video collaboration al-
ways available to everyone across any network, proto-
col, application or device—delivered as software— and
“Video, voice and content collaboration are evolving optimized for deployment in your virtualized datacenter.
rapidly— moving from the conference room to tele- RealPresence One is a holistic offering that fits the
workers, mobile workers, and knowledge workers— needs of any organization. Desktop, mobile, and brows-
both inside and outside your organization. And with the er-based video applications are included, and it’s easy
rise of the virtualized datacenter, it is easier than ever to scale as demand and usage grow. Professional ser-
to dynamically spin-up or spin-down video services vices that include implementation, benchmarking, and
based on bursts in demand, and to effectively measure analytics will expedite rollout and ensure user adoption.
the positive impact of these services across the organi-
zation”, the expert company stated.
Just recently
A week ago, Polycom and Microsoft announced their
expanded relationship through which Polycom plans to
Polycom entered the video conferencing market in deliver a new series of video collaboration solutions
1998 when introducing the ViewStation product line, purpose-built for Skype for Business, called Polycom
which included models with embedded multipoint ca- RoundTable.
pabilities, content sharing capabilities, and support for
the emerging H.323 IP network protocol. It was fol-
lowed in 2000 by a personal desktop video conferenc- The first device in this new offering is the Polycom
ing appliance called ViaVideo, essentially a web cam RoundTable 100, an affordable and easy-to-use video
with inboard processing capabilities, to offset the com- solution for huddle rooms that will allow small to
pute limitations of most desktop and laptop computers midsized businesses (SMB) and teams with Skype for
at the time. Six years later, the company introduced its Business and Microsoft Lync 2013 to enjoy rich collabo-
first high definition video conferencing system and an- ration experiences, including voice, video and content
nounced soon thereafter the Polycom RealPresence collaboration, simply by logging into their Skype for
Experience (RPX), steadily expanding its telepresence Business account. Its set-up will take just minutes and it
and HD video product lines. will not require corporate domains or on-premises infra-
structure, making it easy to use without assistance from
In 2008, Polycom delivered the Polycom Converged
Management Application (CMA), a video network and
system management application for provisioning and “Together, Microsoft and Polycom have a joint vision to
managing video networks, and later that launched year deliver collaboration experiences that help our custom-
the Distributed Media Application (DMA) 7000, a net- ers defy distance. We are now expanding our solutions
work-based application that manages and distributes to allow SMBs, as well as large enterprises, to reap the
multipoint video calls within an enterprise network en- benefits of video collaboration,” said Peter Leav, Poly-
vironment. In 2010, Polycom introduced then a new com President and CEO. “Our partnership with Mi-
immersive telepresence solution, the Polycom Open crosoft has never been stronger, and over the years, it
Telepresence Experience (OTX 300), providing collab- has fortified a market demand for collaboration experi-
oration including 1080p, using half the bandwidth of ences that help make our customers successful.”
other comparable systems.
Polycom and Microsoft have worked in tandem for more
than a decade to make collaboration easier and more
24 Asian eMarketing March 2015 - Video Advertising
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