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Five requirements

online videos should

meet to succeed

Online videos are one of the drivers in digital marketing. Fact is that marketing and advertising with videos is an
Recent studies show that when it comes to mobile video uptrend you should not miss out; therefore consider the
advertising, growth continued in Q4 across key engage- following tips to succeed:
ment metrics, such as unit engagement rate, video play
rate and video completion rate. Produce the 'wow' factor: The most boring videos are
the ones in which we learn nothing new. So, find out
Celtra's latest Mobile Display Ad Performance Report for exactly the information needs of the viewer, create a
Q4 2014 found that smart video ad formats continue to concept and develop relevant content instead of redun-
show potential, outperforming all other format types in all dant information.
metrics. The lift in expansion rate in for these came in at
75%. Provide optimal sound: When broadcasting videos,
they often sound like coming out of a tin can. Make
While unit engagement rate for standard expandable sure to give it as much attention as to picture for a good
banner has dropped by 35%, it has increased by 30% user experience.
on smart video formats. According to Celtra’s report,
banner impressions now represent over a quarter of all Introduce yourself: Whether explanatory video or im-
requested impressions, with a higher unit engagement age film, the viewer wants to know the sender. Create
rate, video play rate and video completion rate. confidence by presenting first yourself and your product
respectively to establish a relationship with the user
To no surprise, the retail industry represents over 20% and not remaining a phantom.
of all quarterly requested impressions, whereby the
highest unit engagement rates for expandable banners Present on your website: Instead of spreading the
were witnessed in travel (23.9%) and technology vertical self-produced videos only on video platforms, they
(20.9%). Longest time spent on ad unit was in food & should also be found where interested parties are al-
beverage (20.1 sec in expanded unit) and, the highest ready trying to find some information: On your own
video play rates for user-initiated video were present in website, which is easy to realize by embedding code.
automotive and entertainment verticals, both 17.7%.
Implement a multichannel strategy: Videos are ac-
Auto-play video is taking over, with 75% of videos in all cessed from a broad variety of devices; therefore con-
Q4 creative set to auto-play. Video completion rate is sider using the optimum adaptation to all common de-
59% in standard expandable banners and even higher vices. The display format of your video should be suita-
(71%) in smart video expandable banners. Highest vid- ble for both the desktop and mobile use with your
eo completion rates were measured in entertainment smartphone or tablet.◊
and technology verticals, both above 70% in banner for- By MediaBUZZ

22 Asian eMarketing March 2015 - Video Advertising
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