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What makes a Youtube spot successful?

Millward Brown, on behalf of "engaging" got much better 5. Say goodbye to 30-second
Google, recently analyzed what results than the usual ones. spot that you use for TV: Ra-
factors make video advertising a Surprising elements in ther, take more time to tell your
viral success, revealing that origi- YouTube spots promote suc- story, especially since the aver-
nality and suggesting strong emo- cess. Despite possible polariza- age length of the most success-
tions mainly make the world of dif- tion by shocking elements, it is ful spots is over two minutes.
ference. more likely that such ads stand
out and stick. For the study, Millward Brown ana-
1. Viral video ads are unique lyzed 24 successful commercials of
and charged with emotions: 3. Viral marketing requires the the year 2014 in regards to the key
For instance, 88% of the best will of users to share con- drivers for their viral success. In
YouTube video ads in 2014 tent: Please take the criteria each case, at least 100 YouTube
were rated as higher-than- that bring users to like and users were asked via an online pan-
average by the users in terms share a spot to heart. Accord- el: They should evaluate the spots
of uniqueness and the emotions ing to analysis, content will not according to various criteria such as
they triggered. Hence, do not be shared due to brands, but uniqueness, originality, joy of see-
rely on models, but create your because of relevance. There- ing, interest, willingness to share,
own ideas. Find out how your fore, rely on relevance rather humor or emotions. The values
target audience ticks and what than pushing with your brand to were compared with the average of
they respond to emotionally. the forefront. a video benchmark file of the insti-
Virtually all spots include a tute, which is based on the same
strong human touch and music, 4. Strong branding is not the standardized survey. ◊
which promotes the commit- central key to success on
ment. YouTube: In half of the suc- By MediaBUZZ
cessful spots, branding is even
2. Make your spot to a piece of often developed below aver-
entertainment: Statements age. Users share content espe-
such as "It's fun to watch the cially when the content is rele-
spot", or it is "interesting" or vant to them and the brand
plays a minor role.

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