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Asia-Pacific firms are most con- ment capabilities that allow It is the right time for firms to
cerned about risk profile and resili- them to handle most tasks from provision low-latency and high-
ence when selecting data centers: remote offices. These firms use speed connections between
75% of respondents rated the level vendors to support specific their data centers.
of control over their data center fa- tasks such as on-site equip-
cility as an “important” or “very im- ment replacement or ejecting  Decision-makers are very
portant” evaluation. With this in and inserting tape for off-site aware of cost-related factors.
mind, it is not surprising that 38% of archival. Despite this, nearly 31% of
firms plan to locate their next data firms in the region said that
center within 100 miles of their  In mature markets such as power usage effectiveness
headquarters. the US and Australia, firms (PUE) is not important to them
prioritize network capabilities or they are not familiar with it.
Forrester found that: to support future business With growing awareness and
growth. Networks must be regulation of carbon footprint
 Firms that have outsourced transformed so they can sup- reduction, and increasing pow-
their data centers have signif- port new features, including er tariffs, firms will need to look
icantly improved the physical digital platforms, bring-your- to partners that can manage
security of the data center. own-device (BYOD) policies, data center infrastructure in the
Global enterprises with regional big data, and the Internet of most optimal manner. ◊
headquarters have made use of Things, and the associated
remote infrastructure manage- growth in data and storage Source: Forrester Research

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