Page 13 - AeM_Oct_2017_final
P. 13


         And what is the name of the next generation? It   under the skin as a remote control. Who knows, one
          seems as if the term "Generation Alpha" becomes   fine day, such chips may be able to connect our brain
          accepted. This sounds appropriate for those who   directly to the Internet, and then we are on our way to
          see this generation as the precursors of a whole   physical merging with computers.
          new era. On the other hand, some believe that
          things continue to evolve at such a high rate of   Are there AI-optimized brains coming?
          change that generational schemata become irrele-
          vant at all.                                      AI-optimized brains will one day be superior to those
                                                            that have not been optimized by artificial intelligence.
       People and artificial intelligence – where is        For this reason alone, they will come into existence -
                                                            despite all reservations. Higher, faster, and better in
       it heading?
                                                            every respect is evolutionary and existentially intrinsic.

       People, humanoid robots and artificial intelligence (AI)   Therefore, most people wouldn’t wait to use every tech-
       are moving towards each other inquantum leaps. Self-  nological innovation available as soon as they get their
                                                            hands on it. From the positive experiences of such ear-
       learning software programs can not only become more
       intelligent on their own, they are also creative and intui-  ly adopters and pioneers emerge new requirements to
       tive by now. In fact, some are already beginning to look   all players in the market and makes the new an indis-
                                                            pensable part of our lives.
       for autonomous fields of activity since they have reward
       programs implanted. They can write their own stories,
       compose symphonies, create their own pieces of art,   Since the beginning of mankind, we are expanding
                                                            what is within human power. Self-optimization is the
       interpret emotions and show compassion. Some people
       already confide their deepest feelings in computers ra-  benefit and leadership the goal. The ‘fear of missing
                                                            out’ on what is about to happen will make the stragglers
       ther than their fellow human beings.
                                                            following the digital vanguard - as quickly as possible.
       Our will to transform – even without cause - is obvious.   Or as Jürgen Schmidhuber, one of the most profound
                                                            developers of artificial intelligence and Scientific Direc-
       Just think about tattoos that cover the body and give it
       a new look. Couldn’t it be regarded as a first striking   tor of the Swiss Research Institute IDSIA said: "This
                                                            process continues inexorably - and soon the wisest
       step. Invasive procedures for self-optimization are high-
       ly popular as well, not only among those who are aes-  components of civilization will no longer be human be-
       thetically underserved. Not to mention that more and   ings.” ◊
                                                                                         By Daniela La Marca
       more "freaks" walk around with NFC chips, implanted

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