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Programmatic Media Buying

“Can you accurately define programmatic media buying spective customers enables better audience target-
off the top of your head?”, asks MediaMath in its White ing that can lead to higher rates of conversion.
Paper: Programmatic Media Buying 101, revealing at the
same time that according to research by the Boston Con- 2. Programmatic can enable real-time advertising:
sulting Group the majority of marketers confessed their The ability to transact on an ad buy within millisec-
understanding of programmatic was very poor, poor or onds enables some real-time advertising to occur,
average. increasing your chances of hitting the right custom-
er at the right time with the right tactics.
Considering such evidence, there is obviously a need for 3. Programmatic involves some degree of automa-
clarity here, which is why we decided to delve into the tion: You can automate some of the functions with
term “programmatic”. Besides that fact, eMarketer pre- the right technology and people in place, but you
dicted 83% of all display advertising will be purchased must continually test and optimize the campaigns to
programmatically by 2017 and it is forecasted that $37 get optimal results.
billion of global ad spend will go to programmatic by
2019. “It’s in these three ways that programmatic marketing
unlocks the ability to add personalization and perfor-
Actually, the term “programmatic” is being used to de- mance at scale to your digital advertising strategy so
scribe an entire paradigm shift in the way digital media you can reach consumers you know are interested in
and advertising are being traded, since buying is done in your products and services, and who are ready to make
an automated way through digital platforms such as de- an imminent purchase”, the expert says, highlighting
mand-side-platforms (DPS), trading desks and exchang- that it is crucial to ask the right questions to enable pro-
es, replacing the manual requests for proposals, negotia- grammatic.
tions and purchase orders. It’s efficient for audience tar-
geting, segmentation and the execution of premium ad Programmatic clearly helps in finding the best digital-
buys. first marketing strategy, which explains why it is global-
ly a hot trend. As MediaMath’s Programmatic Trend
Programmatic isn’t a “set-it-and-forget-it” technology, Predictions confirms, the technology behind program-
MediaMath emphasizes, besides pointing out that: matic media buying will continue to evolve, since the
ways in which you can employ it have become easier
1. Programmatic is data-driven: Programmatic buy- and easier. ◊
ing provides the ability to drive your marketing efforts By MediaBUZZ
with data. Using the right data on your current or pro-

60 Asian eMarketing - March 2016 Marketing Automation: Retargeting, Programmatic & Real-time Marketing
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