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Google bows out on a promotional item, which had al- “After a careful analysis on twenty key players in the
ready been used when the company began to monetize North American market using search metrics, the per-
its search results through advertising years ago, while formance of paid visibility has weakened in the retail
the placement of advertising directly above and partly sector by a significant average drop of 41% since the
below the search results remains. official change in ad placements. By removing ads on
the right-hand side, this means decreasing the maxi-
The loosening of the rule to interrupt the chronological mum amount of ads that you can bid for from eleven
vertical listing of results by up to three advertisements is to seven. Knowing that only the top 3-4 ads are
accompanying this measure. In future, more than three placed on the top of the page, the rest is out of view
banners can be displayed in "high commercial inquir- from the average user placed all the way at the bot-
ies", such as for travel and insurance. tom. Some advertisers say this is only the beginning
to a major shift in extreme competitive auctions,
Since the space at the right-hand side makes in addition where there’s no doubt some advertisers will be
space for links and brief descriptions or pictures, this weeded out”, Leadmedia Group states.
means quite a limitation for advertisers, which Google
wants to compensate with more precise targeting. The provider of digital marketing integrated services
as well as data marketing software developer, pre-
The advertising displays to the right-hand side of the sents Shopbot at eTail Asia, a leading global shop-
search results listing was previously often pushed aside ping platform and pioneer in the price comparison
by the ‘Knowledge Graph', and often couldn’t be seen market, as well as LiveTarget, which enables the real
on mobile devices. Interestingly, the "Product Listing -time generation of personalized email messages as
Ads" of Google Shopping seem to make an exception, well as retargeting customers who do not complete
since they still find space on the right sidebar. their purchase. That way, Leadmedia Group manag-
es to help increase both the ROI and the customer
Well, in the past Google has made very few major conversion rate that result from the digital marketing
changes to their actual search engine results. However, initiatives of online stores.
with Google’s latest decision to remove right-hand side
ads from desktop to mirror the same results in mobile, it Xavier Latil, CEO of Leadmedia Group, said: “Our
made headlines worldwide. presence at eTail Asia trade show as sponsor
demonstrates our commitment to bring Leadmedia
According to Leadmedia Group, marketers in Southeast Group solutions to brands and e-retailers on a global
Asia are starting to ask themselves how this will affect scale. We are convinced our technology and team
their online presence and many are turning their atten- can definitely help these actors connecting to their
tion to North American brands to see how they cope audience by sending the right message at the right
with this rollout. time.”◊

By Daniela La Marca

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