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Southeast Asian advertisers are

preparing for drop in online visibility

due to Google’s new rollout

Sales in eCommerce is rising continuously and mobile To round off the 4th Annual eTail Asia, the organizers
devices have become an important sales channel, as today take a light-hearted look at how the Asian e-
the 4th Annual eTail Asia affirms. The event for eCom- commerce space is progressing compared to European
merce and multichannel retailers takes place in Singa- and American counterparts, by discussing casually how
pore, from March 1-3, 2016 at Marina Bay Sands with the e-commerce universe is expected to evolve in Asia,
around 350 participants who get inspired by 80 speakers which is still an impressive half-trillion dollar e-
with speeches and discussions focused on mCom- commerce market.
merce, digital transformation and personalizing the cus-
tomer experience during the three days. One sponsor and exhibitor got our special attention,
due to an interesting study unveiled during the event.
At the opening of the event, there have been talks and LeadMedia Group, an online marketing integrated ser-
meetings by retailers for retailers on the acceleration of vices provider and developer of data marketing plat-
omnichannel growth strategies, real-time personaliza- forms and solutions, got granular on Google’s recent
tion, user experience, and inspiring online portals. The advertisement shift.
second day deals mainly with the opportunities the mo-
bile growth brings, such as optimized pages, apps and “With Google’s latest decision to remove right-hand side
revolutionary distribution channels. ads from desktop to mirror the same results in mobile,
marketers in Southeast Asia can expect a 40% drop in
Sandhya Devanathan, Facebooks Group Head, Ecom- paid visibility, if we look at what happened in the North
merce, Travel, and Financial Services, Southeast Asia American market”, LeadMedia Group predicts.
for instance, presented on how to win in a mobile-first
world: “How to drive people through the path to pur- Indeed, the leading search engine provider has decided
chase with personalized marketing at scale”. to leave the right sidebar of the search results in future
free of ads. Until now, there were up to six ads placed
54 Asian eMarketing - March 2016 Marketing Automation: Retargeting, Programmatic & Real-time Marketing
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