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Prospecting and retargeting make for

winning digital marketing strategies

Quantcast, a specialist in digital advertising, shows how Basically, dealers can ensure success through prop-
online merchants can get more out of their digital market- er display frequency, an appropriate categorization of
ing strategies by accompanying website visitors on the URL and certification of their partner.
customer journey -winning new customers (prospecting)
and binding existing ones (retargeting).
Obviously, it’s all about the reactivation of the customer
and the long-term customer loyalty by showing existing
 Prior to the first website visit the prospecting takes clients certain advertising after a purchase. An individu-
effect. Ideally, data from the retailer is used to create al approach is generally appreciated by existing cus-
a target group profile. This data is then combined tomers and helps to increase the repurchase rate. Of
with the vendor's own real-time data of the advertis- course, real-time data can always be included to make
ing service provider in order to find new potential advertising messages more individual and serves as
customers and to specifically address all those that well to incorporate current trends and developments in
have similar demographic characteristics and behav- the advertising campaign.
ioral patterns as the existing customers of the retail- The most current data from the customer database and
er. The basic idea of the prospecting is to address a website tracking should be the basis for efficient pro-
clearly defined target group from the data to minimize specting and retargeting. Retailers in particular are in
wastage and to achieve a maximum conversion rate this case in an excellent position, since they have the
that way. data insights. However, although their biggest challenge
is not to obtain customer data, they still have to manage
After the website visit, it is all about persuading all how to utilize and process the insights professionally.
those who've already been in the store to come back.
Retargeting is a basic building block of retailers’ digi- With the help of this data, users can be systematically
tal marketing strategy, as on average only 2% of all accompanied along the customer journey without an-
customers make a purchase when visiting the shop- noying them. The data can not only be used as a
ping portal the first time. The key to success is per- source for the future marketing strategy, but be the
sonalized retargeting that uses the audience infor- starting point for any other sales activities.◊
mation to create and present more relevant advertis-
ing material in real-time (so-called dynamic display By Daniela La Marca
52 Asian eMarketing - March 2016 Marketing Automation: Retargeting, Programmatic & Real-time Marketing
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