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Xaxis launched Xaxis Radio, a programmatic

audio advertising solution, in APAC

Xaxis just announced the launch of Xaxis Radio, a pro- This provides brands the ability to activate audiences
grammatic audio advertising solution, that allows ad- across radio in coordination with their digital media
vertisers in the APAC region to execute at-scale digital strategy.”
radio buys across inventory from more than 90 local
broadcasters and top Internet radio pure-players, such The global digital media platform in fact connects adver-
as MediaCorp, Astro or iRadio networks. tisers to audiences programmatically across all ad-
dressable channels. With the new product, advertisers
Xaxis Radio is integrated with Turbine, Xaxis' industry can now even reach their target audiences in situations
leading data management platform (DMP), enabling where visual advertising wouldn’t be suitable, such as
advertisers to incorporate online and mobile radio buys during ‘ultra-mobile activities’ like driving, walking and
within their overall digital media campaigns. exercising. Furthermore, it enables marketers to extend
their terrestrial radio plan to encompass the vast digital
“Consumption of audio content, particularly music, is radio audience, since Xaxis Radio campaigns can tar-
becoming more mobile as audio streaming sees expo- get audiences by Turbine data, radio content, or day-
nential growth,” said Rohan Philips, Vice President of part.
Products & Strategy at Xaxis APAC. "By combining
unparalleled inventory reach with the real-time seg- At launch, Xaxis Radio will be available in Indonesia,
mentation capabilities of our Turbine DMP, Xaxis Ra- the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and Australia.◊
dio helps brands reach listeners with relevant and cus-
tomized ads wherever they are listening to digital ra- By MediaBUZZ

48 Asian eMarketing - March 2016 Marketing Automation: Retargeting, Programmatic & Real-time Marketing
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