Black Hat Search Engine Optimization (SEO) usually describes techniques that are used to get higher search rankings in an unethical manner, such as breaking search engine rules/regulations or fraudulently presenting content to search engine spiders and search engine users in a different visual or non-visual way.

It’s simply not a good way to attract searchers or search engine crawlers and therefore you should avoid under all circumstances at least the following techniques to not risk any trouble:
  • Keyword stuffing, which means packing long lists of keywords and nothing else onto your Website as it will eventually get you penalized by search engines.
  • Creating doorway pages, which is basically a “fake” page that the user will never see. It is purely for search engine spiders, and attempts to trick them into indexing the site higher.
  • Putting up invisible text by listing e.g. keywords in white text on a white background in hopes of attracting more search engine spiders.

Without a doubt Black Hat SEO is tempting, especially since these easy tricks actually do work, at least temporarily, in getting higher search rankings. But it’s just not worth the long run risk in being banned for using unethical practices. Instead, focus on efficient search engine optimization techniques to get your site ranked higher and stay away from these dishonest practices!

Actually, a lot of what is known as Black Hat SEO used to be legitimate, before these techniques were overstressed and therefore frowned upon by the general SEO community at large. So do keep in mind that Black Hat SEO is a very short-sighted solution for the long-term work of keeping your website relevant by providing a great user experience and playing fair for all.

By MediaBUZZ