With work taking over the majority of our waking hours, it is not surprising that the unique demands of a career play a major role in shaping one’s behaviour.

Nowhere are these tendencies more obvious than at meetings and other professional interactions, especially since these sessions are such a crucial part of getting things done! Based on PGi’s extensive experience facilitating a whopping 82,000 meetings daily for corporations across diverse industries, we have been able to identify distinctive Meeting Personalities and the types of professions they are likely to match. Have you ever felt the frustration of people joining your meeting late and interrupting your presentation? What about getting distracted by the tapping of a keyboard from someone multi tasking on a conference call?

Whether online, over the phone or face-to-face, keeping people engaged and productive during a meeting is not an easy task. Even the best planned meetings can be a total loss if the attendees are not given an agenda or know the objective of the meeting prior and during the meeting.

At PGi, we have identified a list of ‘unique’ personalities we often encounter in meetings and some tips to help you get the best out of your time and the people attending.


1. If you are a project manager, an event planner, an advertising executive or a public relations consultant, you’re most likely … The Multitasker.

As a successful professional in these roles, you are not only a whiz at juggling multiple clients, vendors and projects simultaneously, but also one who thrives on the adrenaline rush of racing from deadline to deadline. Having made a fine art out of balancing, you tend to carry your multitasking superpowers over to meetings. Hands up, all those guilty of scribbling notes during a conference call while responding to emails on your Blackberry!

While you may be blessed with the gift of being a consummate Multitasker, do exercise caution. A major requirement in your line of work is the ability to listen to clients and draw out important information. To keep your multitasking tendency in check, make it a point to keep your computer and mobile phone out of sight and pay attention instead

2. If you are a businessman, investment banker, stock broker or property agent, you’re most likely … The Mobile Meeter.

As your job requires you to be constantly on the move to find the next business lead, you are probably spending your work day travelling from customer meeting to sales presentation to industry seminar. While working out of a briefcase may not be a welcome prospect for everyone, you thrive on sniffing out the next major deal! As a professional who is always on the go, you are likely to be familiar with dialing in to conference calls and web meetings from a hotel room, a roadside café, a taxi or an airport lounge.

As a Mobile Meeter, it is critical that you always have on hand an up-to-date calendar of meetings with indication of time zones. Every considerate Mobile Meeter should also invest in a pair of noise-cancelling headphones to ensure the background noise in any location will not get in the way of a productive meeting. 


3. If you’re an artist, an inventor, an advertising creative or a talk show host, you’re most likely … The Disrupter

Your job is often an unstructured one which requires you to explore the full potential of your imagination and truly think out of the box. Does the mention of one thing tend to ignite 10 related ideas in your head? Do you find it impossible to hold back on sharing those ideas? If so, say hello to the Disrupter, for that is what you tend to become in a meeting!

As a Disrupter, you are often a brilliant creative mind who is able to uncover new ways of thinking. While your ingenuity is a valuable trait, do make sure you are not derailing a meeting from its intended objectives. Wait until the most appropriate section in a meeting to share your thoughts. That way, you will not only be recognized as a creative genius but also an effective and considerate team player. 


4. If you’re an analyst, auctioneer, doctor, strategist or CEO, you’re most likely to be … The Maestro.

The unique demands of your career mean that yours are big shoes to fill! You have the killer combination of a commanding presence, a razor-sharp mind and a results-focused approach. Your natural ability to look beyond complexity to get to the root of a problem means that you are probably The Maestro of meetings.

You are able to lead meetings towards concrete outcomes effortlessly, and inspire confidence and respect from others. However, despite the Maestro’s effectiveness at meetings, you have the tendency to get frustrated with personalities like The Disrupter or the Socialiser. Take care not to dampen their creativity by creating an appropriate time for them to speak and by considering their views seriously.

5. If you’re an ambassador, a financial consultant, an insurance advisor or journalist, you’re most likely to be … The Socialiser

To reach the very top in your chosen career path, one needs to possess a charismatic personality, a vast network of contacts and the ability to draw critical information from these contacts. Not only are you a master at networking, but you’re also capable of building trust with others very quickly. This is critical for getting that bit of political insight, signing another customer or achieving that exclusive headline.

Your likeability and skill at building rapport are likely to influence the way you behave during meetings too, making you The Socialiser. Even before the meeting begins, you are greeting each participant and chatting away with some of them like old friends! Your ability to put participants at ease, especially in a high-pressure environment, is highly valued. While you usually create a positive impression, do exercise self-awareness so as to remain professional and avoid encroaching on personal boundaries.

6. If you’re a digital strategist, technology analyst and communications professional, you’re likely to be … The Social Networker

As a social media pioneer whose work description includes Facebooking, Tweeting, blogging and Foursquaring so you can counsel clients about these platforms, you are probably connected 24/7. You are also likely to feel the constant urge to update your networks about what you are doing, eating and seeing at all times of the day … even during meetings!

Find yourself itching to check Facebook during a meeting? Find yourself unconsciously tweeting about what an ugly tie the colleague sitting opposite you in the meeting is wearing? You’re probably the Social Networker! Take care not to get carried away, as not everything should be posted on a social network, especially if it concerns corporate matters. Don’t let your passion for the job, land you in hot soup!

By Kathryn Ellis, Asia Pacific Communications Manager, PGi