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Majority of B2B companies relies on

marketing automation

In the past few years, a lot has only with marketing automation and interested in brand, offer is made,
changed in the marketing automa- a programmatic approach. customer buys offer) does not com-
tion industry. If in 2013 only one in ply fixed rules anymore that way.
four large B2B company opted for According to a study, for instance, Constant good care of the customer
automation, just two years later Oracle managed to shorten the is crucial for success – comparable
there are 59% doing that and for time between identification and to an egg that must always kept
good reasons. In fact, there are two conversion considerably. It used to warm, before a chick can hatch.
main reasons that have an impact take up to five days, but today -
on the marketing automation trend after the introduction of appropriate In fact, a study revealed that 77% of
of Fortune Global 500 B2B compa- automation measures – reduced it B2B buyers expect customized con-
nies: to only three hours. Time is a cru- tent appetizers, but wait at the same
cial factor to succeed in our indus- time longer before actually deciding
1. ‘Lead Generation’ through try, we all know. to buy. Hence, it is the more im-
speed portant today to find out where ex-
Another study - this time from Har- actly the customer is standing in the
Due to the fact that customers in- vard – examined several B2B com- customer journey and to respond
creasingly have the option to inter- panies and found out the chance of accordingly. Thus, automation is
act with articles, photos, videos and conversion is 60% higher a few playing a major role again. Behav-
product presentations, show that hours after the initial contact than ioral patterns need to be tracked,
content marketing in particular con- making use of the same tactics identified, and integrated correctly -
tinues to be a big issue. Hence, days later. In such cases, market- a process which is possible only
large businesses struggle to identify ing automation is far more powerful with a large amount of data. In addi-
potential leads, especially since because of its sheer speed. tion, the appropriate customer com-
everybody started to interact with munication has to be triggered at
content, making the data volume 2. ‘Lead Nurturing’ with the right the right time, which requires as
increase enormously. The solution timing usual good planning and thinking
and answer to all is marketing auto- ahead. ◊
mation. Capturing and evaluating At least as important as ‘lead gen-
user signals properly and taking eration’ is ‘lead nurturing’. The By Daniela La Marca
appropriate measures, works with problem here is, however, that the
large volumes of data in real-time ideal type of process (customer is

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